Spring Cleaning with a 3 Day Juice Cleanse

Hey Bridal Babes!
This is my very first blog post and I am so excited to bring to you my first review!!
I am currently a stay-at-home mom with my 11 month old daughter, Sunny and wedding planning has been so fun and just taking over my brain. So I wanted to create a place that I can get all my wedding excitement out and share some reviews and experiences I have with other brides and also hear what you gorgeous souls have to say!

So basically where I’m at in my wedding planning: (my wedding is 4/20/2019)
Venue is booked ✔
Photographer booked ✔
Makeup artist booked ✔

Next on my list… The dress!
My first appointment is this Wednesday the 28th!

I recently had two hernias repaired and JUST last week got the go ahead to work out again.. during the recovery I was a major couch potato  (besides chasing my 11 month old and cleaning up after my 10 year old) so I wanted to do something to kickstart my healthy habits back up and really minimize the bloating for my first appointment. And I figured, what better way than to literally force myself to intake nothing but pure vegan nutrients from a juice cleanse!
I am such a food lover, like I’m not afraid to eat a second helping of dessert. So I knew this was going to be challenging.

I chose Jùs by Julie 3 Day Cleanse because there is a great deal going on Groupon, 3 days worth of juice for 60 dollars (plus 30 dollars for shipping)
So it ended up costing 90$ for 3 days but it’s not bad compared to other brands. Also its totally worth it to me because I don’t have to think about what I’m in the mood to eat for 3 days. (My guys are so easy to cook for, I’m definitely the picky one!)
I scheduled the delivery date for Thursday. When I opened the box there was a Styrofoam cooler filled with ice packs and 3 bundles of 6 juices. I was impressed with the packaging and it arrived cold and in perfect condition!
I started my cleanse on Monday so I froze the juices until then. Every night you leave one day’s worth (6 juices) on the counter overnight to thaw. The juices are numbered 1-6 and that’s how you drink them during the day. Easy enough, right?
Okay so I’m just going to get to the nitty gritty of this review and answer the main questions I had about juice cleanses before I did one.
Was I starving?
SURPRISINGLY NO. Like I’m so shocked to say it really wasn’t that hard to do at all! The hardest times were during dinner watching my boys eat but that was more of a mental thing I think. The juices have a very little bit of pulpyness to them so they are actually quite filling! 
Did I feel like crap?
Opposite. My energy was SO high. I’m still nursing my daughter in the morning and I still was able to produce milk and have energy to do my daily housework and still exercise. Not even any detox symptoms like headaches.
Did I lose weight?
Not really. Maybe a pound or two if anything but that wasn’t my goal because I am already petite. 
Visual changes:
Yes! But who knows how long it’ll last. The best result I can see in the mirror is I have literally zero bloating. My stomach still looks so amazingly flat I can’t believe it. Also my skin has cleared up since I started the cleanse, I’ve been getting random hormonal breakouts from when i cut down my nursing sessions.

Never had to pee more in my life and I’ve been pregnant twice!
Pooped 3x a day which is inconvenient
Major food envy

I reallllyy enjoyed all of the juices except for the last juice of the night! But it was still tolerable. The non-green ones where so good! I loved the spicy pom.

Post cleanse:
It’s my first day after the cleanse and I still feel great. I ate kind of a big breakfast (which they say not to do) and it made me a little queezy. (I went a little crazy portion wise but can ya blame me!?!)  But I feel so cleaned out and energetic like my body has a clean slate; which is exactly what I was hoping for. I will definitely do another 3 day cleanse by this brand in the future.

If you feel like your body needs a little jumpstart, is feeling sluggish, bloated or needs a good cleaning, I highly recommend trying this cleanse ESPECIALLY if you are new to juice cleanses like me! It’s ONLY 3 days, and your body might just be yearning for it!

Have you ever tried a juice cleanse? Was your experience as positive as mine?
Drop your stories in the comments below!


Jus by Julie:

Groupon Deal:

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